Autumn Notes

As October comes to an end, we look to the month ahead with gratitude, joy, and great hope. We are grateful for the trust of longtime and new clients; we celebrate the Sacred in the mundane and beautiful moments of our days; and we hold great hope for a bright future ahead for all.

It’s in this spirit that we’ve rounded up a few notes and ideas that we hope will inspire you this season. Stay well, and thank you for your continued support and business. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you.

Jeff and Carroll Patrizi


Oct 31 | Happy Halloween!
2020 continues to be a bit spooky! Make it a festive and safe Halloween weekend—try hosting a family pumpkin carving contest or playing pin the nose on the witch or Halloween bingo. Stage some creepy special effects using dry ice or these ping pong eyeballs.

Nov 1 | All Saints Day
With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit. To that end, be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones.
Ephesians 6:18

Nov 1 | Daylights Savings Time
Set your clocks back and enjoy the extra hour gained!

Nov 2 | All Souls’ Day
May the mystery of God’s love and peace provide comfort always.

Nov 3 | Election Day
Visit to make a voting plan.

Nov 11 | Veterans’ Day
We honor the sacrifices of our veterans—those who have protected the nation’s values and liberties through the years and continue to serve.

Nov 11 - Dec 11 | Houston Ballet 2020 Virtual Nutcracker Market
Houston Ballet’s annual holiday fundraising shopping event is virtual this year. It’s a great way to shop and give back at the same time!

Nov 13 - Jan 31 | Ice Skating at Discovery Green
Discovery Green’s seasonal outdoor ice rink is back with new safety protocols in place, including reduced capacity, improved sanitation measures, and more.

Nov 26 | Thanksgiving
Consider donating to the Open Dance ProjectFreedom PlaceNick Finnegan Counseling CenterBo’s Place, or Yellowstone Academy as an offering of gratitude. Keep it cozy with a menu suited to small celebrations—like this Herb and Butter Roasted Turkey, this Sweet Potato Souffle, or this Apple Tart with Almond Cream.


Busy Lives, Versatile Spaces, Happy Homes


Community Spotlight: Nick Finnegan Counseling Center